
截至6月30日, 2020, SPU’s student COVID-19 federal emergency grant allocation has been fully distributed to eligible students; t在这里 is no additional funding to distribute.


以下 信息 must appear in a format and location that is easily accessible to the public 30 days after the date when the institution received its allocation under 18004(a)(1) and updated every 45 days t在这里after:

最初可访问并于2020年5月20日发布. 2020年9月1日修订.

1. 网易彩票下载 has signed and returned the Department of Education’s Certification and Agreement to access the federal CARES act funding for higher education institutions.  斯坦福大学将用收到的50%的资金为学生提供紧急经济援助.  

2. SPU收到的作为紧急经济援助补助金分发给学生的总额为1美元,445,238.

3. 截至2020年6月30日,SPU已向符合条件的学生发放了1,445,238美元的联邦紧急补助金.  

4. SPU获得FAFSA的学生总数为2,711人.  

5. 截至2020年6月30日,已有660名学生获得了联邦紧急财政援助补助金.

6. 以便将资金分配给最需要经济援助的学生, eligible students qualify to receive a federal emergency grant by submitting a valid online application and demonstrating federal Title IV eligibility by submitting a valid Free Application for Federal 学生 援助 (FAFSA).  学生马克, 网易彩票app联邦紧急拨款申请, 其符合条件的费用和请求金额.  只要资金允许, Federal Pell Grant eligible undergraduate students who qualify for federal emergency grants receive a minimum of $1500 or the amount requested up to $6195, 取两者中较大的, 只要资金允许, students who are not eligible for the Federal Pell Grant (graduate or undergraduate students) who qualify for federal emergency grants will receive a minimum of $1,000或要求的金额,最高可达6195美元, 取较大的.

7. 学生s received three email reminders of the availability of the COVID-19 federal emergency grant application. 说明,方向,和指导发现在一个常见问题 网页 链接到应用程序电子邮件的可用性和直接在应用程序上.


SPU students who are or could be eligible to receive federal student aid (Title IV financial aid) may receive federal emergency financial aid grants.  第四章资格的标准包括但不限于以下内容.S. citizenship or eligible noncitizen; a valid Social 安全 number; registration with Selective Service (if the student is male); and a high school diploma, 格, 或在被批准的家庭学校环境中完成高中学业.  然而, 在3月13日或之后专门注册在线课程的学生, 2020, 不符合申请紧急经济援助的资格. Only students who are likely eligible for Title IV funding and were not in an exclusive online program will have access to the online application.

学生s can demonstrate eligibility by filing a Free Application for Federal 学生 援助 (FAFSA) and receiving a valid result. 如果学生还没有提交FAFSA, 符合上述标准, and have expenses related to the disruption in campus operations or would like to be considered for federal financial aid, 请提交 2019-2020 FAFSA 尽快.

学生s that do not meet Title IV eligibility and have financial challenges related to COVID-19 should contact 学生财务服务 (SFS); often SFS is able to help.

根据适用法律, emergency financial aid grants are for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance, 比如食物, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 卫生保健, 和照顾孩子).


  • Increased expenses related to food and/or medical care due to the disruption of campus operations related to COVID-19;
  • 与COVID-19相关的意外住房费用, such as costs incurred if students are forced to move out of dorms or a local apartment and the new 住房 is more expensive;
  • 购买额外材料, 设备, 或服务,以便过渡到远程学习(计算机), 监控, 互联网接入, 网络摄像头, 等.);
  • COVID-19导致儿童保育费用增加(例如.g., students can no longer rely on prior childcare arrangements and students need to pay more for alternative childcare).
  • 与COVID-19相关的差旅费用增加或意外, such as airfare to return home; rental truck to move out of dorms; gas or buss pass to commute to job.

这些只是几个可能的例子, and students may request emergency grants for other expenses related to disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19 as well.

学生, 配偶, or parental loss of income are not expenses and t在这里fore cannot be considered for the emergency grant. 然而, 如果学生或其家庭因COVID-19而遭受收入损失, 请联系 SFS.

学生将不需要提交文件与他们的联邦紧急拨款申请. 然而,SFS建议学生保留文件以支持学生要求的金额.

美国.S. Department of Education recommends considering socioeconomic status when awarding the emergency grants and prioritizing students with greatest need. 因此, SFS will review eligible applicants who have COVID-19 related expenses due the disruption of campus operations with financial need in mind by reviewing the results of the FAFSA and the need described on the emergency grant application. 学生的具体金额将根据申请人的经济状况等因素而有所不同, 请求拨款的数额, 以及可用资金总额.

学生可以通过填写并提交在线表格申请助学金 在这里. Only students who are likely eligible for Title IV funding and were not in an exclusive online program will have access to the online application. 申请截止到下午5点.m. 2020年5月22日,星期五.  

Emergency grant applications will be reviewed within two weeks after the initial announcement of the application; generally eligible applicants will be notified via SPU email one week after the initial review. Applications will be reviewed weekly t在这里after and notifications generally will be made within a week after the review.

申请截止到下午5点.m. 2020年5月22日,星期五. 然而, SPU has been allocated a fixed amount of money for emergency student grants by the federal government, and if students wait to apply for emergency grants it is possible that SPU could distribute all the funds before a student makes an application. 斯坦福大学将宣布是否不再有联邦资金用于紧急学生助学金.

在一般情况下, students should try to make a single application that covers all requested funds for covered expenses. 然而, if an eligible student experiences additional expenses after submitting an initial application or thinks of other covered expenses after submitting an initial application, 学生可以提交额外的申请. 然而, 是否会向学生发放额外的资金将取决于各种因素, 如上所述.

Applicants who are approved to receive a federal emergency grant will receive the funds either through 直接存款 or in the form of a mailed paper check within five business days after being notified of approval. 为了加快收到资金,SFS强烈建议学生报名参加 直接存款 如果他们还没有这样做的话.

这些资金是以赠款的形式发放的,而不是贷款,因此没有还款的预期. 然而, 如果学生获得了预期费用的助学金,但最终没有承担这笔费用, 然后学生应该归还资金. 也, 如果学生被认定在助学金申请中提供了虚假信息, 或者以同样的费用获得多项资助.g., 通过提交多个申请), then the student will be asked to return any funds received and may be subject to disciplinary measures.

目前网易彩票app的理解是,这笔资金将是学生接受者的免税收入. 然而,这是学生的责任,以确保适当的税务申报状态和收入.
